Holly Lichtenfeld
Chief Marketing Officer & Sustainability Advisor
Holly has worked on sustainability, the environment, and climate change issues for 20+ years. She consults organizations and corporations on ESG and sustainable solutions ranging from renewable energy to regenerative agriculture.
She served as the Chief Growth & Strategic Alliances Officer at SustainaBase, advising governments and companies on tracking, setting targets, and reductions for ESG data including Scope 1, 2, and 3 carbon emissions, water, and waste. Holly co-founded CleanWell, a green chemistry company that replaces toxic disinfectants with safe alternatives. She also served on the board of the Northern California Solar Energy Association and led marketing for EI Solutions, a solar energy developer that installed solar PV systems including the largest in the U.S. at the time, at Googleplex.
The start-ups that Holly has co-founded and or led as part of the executive team have gained acceptance into prestigious innovation incubators including Idealab, IDEO, and NextEra Energy/FPL’s 35 Mules.
She is co-founder of a Climate Reality Chapter and on the board of the Women’s Foundation of Florida. This empowers her passion for supporting female leaders, women’s rights, and highlighting the intersection of women and climate.