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Eco & Affordable Housing




Our women-led team invests in public markets to power the transition to a regenerative, just, and inclusive economy. 

Investing for positive returns & positive impact

Nia invests in public companies delivering solutions for a healthy climate, a sustainable environment, and services and products beneficial to women and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) communities.


Gender-lens and racial equity criteria are woven throughout our investment process as key components to address global systemic risks and provide positive outcomes for our portfolio companies, their employees, and the communities in which they work.

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Our approach

We invest across Nia’s six solution themes. All of the companies included in our portfolios offer products and services driving the next sustainable economy.

Learn more about our unique approach and put your money to work for you and the world you want to see.

Impactful investing

Paula and Paloma working together

Our gender lens investing goes beyond female board members and C-suite executives.

farmworker appreciation day (16)_edited.

For us, investing in climate solutions begins with clean energy and includes circularity, justice, and more.

KH Speaking at Tesla AGM

Our shareholder engagement delivers results, including supporting employees’ reproductive rights and so much more.

Nia in the news

nia impact capital






Mailing Address: 

4900 Shattuck Ave, #3648

Oakland, CA 94609

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Gender Equity Now (GEN) Certification
B Corp Certification
1% for the planet certification
Invest Ahead.png
Finance for Biodiversity Pledge
CFA Society San Francisco
Racial Justice Investing

Nia Impact Capital is a proud member of CFA Society for the period covering July 6, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025. The firm pays an annual membership fee to the organization. Nia Impact Capital is also a member of Invest Ahead formerly Thirty Percent Coalition and paid a membership fee for the period beginning October 2024 to October 2025. We are also proud to be BCorp, 1% for the Planet, and Gender Equity Now certified, for which Nia paid initial fees for the due diligence process. We obtained our BCorp Certification in September 2017 and remain a current participant. We obtained our 1% for the Planet Certification on December 31, 2022 and remain a current participant. We obtained our Gender Equity Certification in August 2018 and remain a current participant. Nia Impact capital is also a founding participant of the Racial Justice Investing group, which is a volunteer group and has no associated membership fees. Nia Impact Capital is also a signatory of the Finance for Biodiversity pledge, which has no associated fees. Nia Impact Capital is not aware of any conflicts of interest associated with its membership in or certification by Gender Equity Now, B Corporation, 1% for the Planet, Thirty Percent Coalition, the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge, CFA Society, or the Racial Justice Investing group.


© 2025 Nia Impact Advisors, LLC dba Nia Impact Capital is an SEC registered investment advisor.
Refer to ADV brochure and disclosures and form Client Relationship Summary.

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